BE Jean Claude De Vreese

General structure of teaching in the
Wallonia-Brussels Federation
(Ex French speaking community)



General Directorate
General Administration

The structure of the school system in Belgium French (Wallonia+Brussels French) is based on the right to every child/youth to go to the school of his/her choice: Public, “free” recognised by the state or private.
To be financed by the Federation, schools have to follow the rules from the law about teaching (1970- Décret Missions) and accept to be assessed by the General Service of Inspection and the financial controllers.

Private schools are free to organise the teaching following their own rules as long as the students attend the yearly evaluation and succeed.

The role of the service of Inspection is to visit the schools and attest that the pupils/students are “on time” or not regarding the program of studies. The Service may give some advices about how to improve the study level of the students. Afterwards the work to improve the level is made by the school advisors and the head of the school.

Every year, the General Service of Inspection writes a report about the Study level and routes to improve the quality of the teaching.
This report is sent to the Minister who presents it to the Parliament. The Minister transmits the results to the schools organisations.