BE Ivan D'haese

Ivan D’haese
The University College Ghent consists of eight faculties, a Centre for Research and Service and a number of central or decentralized supporting, executive or policy-preparatory services. The institution's general management rests with the Board of Governors, the president of that board, the Executive Board and the Principal.
The Dean and Council of each faculty are responsible for the educational organization. Although the faculties are required to follow the global and covering policy, they also possess a substantial amount of autonomy
At the same time, the Board of Governors is responsible for the global and covering policy and functions as an organizing authority. It consists of the following members:
9        representatives from the former organizing authorities: the city of Ghent (2), the state school system (5) and the province of East-Flanders (2)
8        elected staff members
3    elected students
The Principal, the official of the Flemish government and the secretary of the central administration also participate in the meetings.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for the daily management and prepares the documents for the Board of Governors. This board contains 5 members:
the president of the Board of Governors
the Principal
3 members appointed by the Board of Governors
The secretary of the General Board officially acts as a reporter
Central Administration
The Central Administration employs approximately 120 staff members and consists of the following offices:
Human Resources  office
Finance and ICT Office
Infrastructure Office
Education Office
Office of Research Affairs

Each Faculty is managed by the Faculty Council represented by the Dean of that Faculty. The daily management of the Faculty rests with the Dean and the Secretary of a Faculty. The Secretary is responsible for the administration on faculty level. The Faculty Council consists of 12 members:
6 elected staff members;
3        elected students;
3 co-opted external members from socio-economical and cultural environments with a close connection to the Faculty's activities

Other bodies
A number of services are working quite autonomous and are situated directly under the Principal or one of the 5 divisions:
The Research Council
The Interdepartmental Centre for Research and Services
The sports centre
The concert hall management
A number of commissions give policy-supporting advice: the construction commission, the advisory body for partnership concerning communication and the advisory body for quality care.
Furthermore, certain entities have their own management: Sovoreg (non-profit organization) is responsible for student services and facilities. University College Ghent also has a very active Alumni organization.
Ghent University Association
Associations came into being after several changes to the higher education system in Flanders. After signing the Bologna Declaration in 1999, the Flemish Minister for Education started a process to reform the Flemish higher education system. On 4 April 2003, the Flemish Parliament adopted the Decree concerning the restructuring of higher education in Flanders (the Bachelor/Master structure). One result of this transformation process is the official cooperation between a university and one or more university colleges in what is called an “association”. Ghent University Association is one of the five Flemish associations and encloses four institutions (see below).
The main aim of an association is to improve the cooperation between its members. Education and research are the key points of interest, but a fair amount of attention and effort goes to fields such as quality assurance, accreditation of prior learning, student facilities, internationalization and infrastructure as well.
The partners of “Ghent University Association” combine forces with respect to education, research (including the development of the Arts), services, infrastructure and student-related facilities.
My role at the University College Ghent
I am working in the Education Office
The education department consists of 4 offices:
International Relations Office
Student Affairs Office
Libraries Office
Quality Assurance, Educational Development and  eLearning Office

I am working as senior staff member in the latter office. My current work focuses on faculty development, learner-centered methodologies and ICT implementation in higher education. I am also regularly involved in educational programmes in the framework of development co-operation and member of visiting panels in the framework of quality assurance and accreditation in Flemish higher education institutions.