Claire Noble
School Background
The percentage of children eligible for FSM is slightly above the national average at 21.2%. The vast majority of children are White British with far fewer children from minority ethnic groups than the national average with no children who have English as an additional language. The locality from which our pupils come is mixed. The largest percentage (46.6%) of our pupils comes from the Aycliffe East ward where only 10% of adults have higher education with 12% of the households classified as 'high social class'. At the same time, however, over one third of our pupils who come from the Aycliffe North ward come from households where there is greater percentage of adults with higher education (e.g. 18.9%) with 26% from 'high social class' households.
School Organisation
The school currently employs a Head teacher (HT) and Deputy Head teacher (DHT), 17 classroom teachers, 6 Teaching Assistants (4 with HLTS status), 2 office staff, 1 caretaker, 10 lunchtime supervisors, 2 cleaners and 4 Kitchen staff (44 staff in total).
The school is led by the Head teacher and the Deputy Head teacher with 4 members of the teaching staff who are employed on a TLR 2a (teaching and learning responsibility point). These along with the HT and DHT form the schools Senior Leadership team. The 4 teachers have a specific responsibility within the school Early Years and Foundation Stage lead, Key Stage 1 Team leader, Lower Key Stage 2 Team Leader and Upper Key Stage 2 Team leader. Each member of the Leadership team has responsibility for the staff within their teams and the performance management of the staff. Currently the school is in a difficult situation where the HT is not in school and for half of the week we have an Acting HT from another school. When the Acting HT is not in school the DHT acts up as HT.
School Improvement systems within school
Each year the HT and DHT produce the School Improvement Plan (SIP) in consultation with the staff which sets out the objectives and targets for the next academic year. These are set by looking carefully at the schools tracking data, end of Key Stage results and highlighting the key priorities for the school. The priorities are then broken down and individual targets that are set which are measurable in a number of ways, results, timescales, lesson observation etc. It is the responsibility of the HT, DHT and the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that the SIP targets are met and that are staff are working towards the school improvements.
The HT is also responsible for the School Self evaluation form SEF). The new school inspection framework for maintained schools and academies is now in place. From January 2012, inspectors will now make four key judgements in the areas of:
- The achievement of pupils
- The quality of teaching
- The quality of leadership and management
- The standards of behaviour and safety
The new framework is designed to ensure that inspections have a stronger impact on driving improvement in education and the raising of achievement for all pupils. Whilst school self-evaluation is no longer a mandatory part of inspections, this will continue to be seen as a key indicator as to the calibre of the school’s leaders and managers and the school’s capacity to further improve. This inspection is more commonly known as Ofsted. The SEF helps leaders to establish improvements linked to the inspection framework and ensures that leaders can provide the relevant information during an inspection.
The staff are monitored regularly to improve teaching and other outcomes. Planning is based on assessment information and is striving to tackle areas of weakness. Outcomes are broadly satisfactory and staff are working towards greater improvement. The senior leadership team continue to communicate the need to raise standards and channel the efforts of the staff to this end. Staff are regularly monitored by the senior teachers to improve their teaching skills. Work scrutiny is carried out and children's progress tracked. High expectations are communicated to staff and areas of strength are built upon. Target setting is in place, setting realistic yet challenging outcomes
The governing body carry out their statutory responsibilities and ensure that all pupils and staff are safe. They challenge the running of the school to ensure value for money and the best possible education for our children. They have good working relationships with the staff and are supportive in introducing necessary improvements.
They are well organised and are known within the school community. They communicate well with parents and respond quickly to any concerns they may meet.