AT Eva Bernat


Austria is a federal government with 9 provinces and about 8,3 million inhabitants. About 800.000 children attend school in compulsory education (grades 1 – 9) until the age of 15.

School system Austria

National Quality Framework
Is based on scientific criteria and contains
       a definition and description of school quality
       the obligation to provide periodic (types of school one-to three-year) planning and reporting at all levels of the school administration and the school (development plans, quality records, quality programs),
       the commitment to target agreements at all levels of the school      administration and the schools about nationwide goals and their concretization,
       the obligation to provide tools for control and (self-) evaluation based on school quality factors, and support services to schools.
The development plans of the schools under shall contain in particular priority topics, second objectives with regard to the major issues, review and present state analysis on the major issues, measures to implement the objectives, measures to verify the achievement of objectives, training plans and information on the strategic and operational management of the school quality.

Sonderpädagogisches Zentrum Graz

The Sonderpädagogische Zentrum Graz Sprachheilschule (SPZ) is an
Advisory Centre for Inclusion and a special school for children with
language -difficulties.
Our services are available to40 primary schools with23 integration classes, 19 secondary schools with14 integration classes, 1 Polytechnische Schule (polytechnic school)with 3 integration classes.
As a special school we provide 3 multi-level Montessori classes and 22
Speech- therapy courses in primary schools in Graz in order to support children
with language difficulties (1591 children in Graz/age 6-10) both in their
neighbourhood schools and in our classes.
As an advisory centre which is responsible to organize the Inclusion of children with specific needs in Graz, we know that it is of uppermost importance that teachers and schools learn to evaluate their work and to adapt to the needs of all learners in school. In order to be able to cope with the challenges the pedagogical personnel need best practice tools they can use and training about how to use those tools.
It is our interest to provide all pedagogical personnel with information about quality management, with new tools they can use and to support them in their inclusive pedagogical work.

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SPZ Graz Sprachheilschule 
School development plan is based on the pedagogical school concept and national standards and guidelines and contains areas of development, short term and long term goals, a specific in-service training plan and a plan for development of the personnel.
School development tools used are INDEX OF INCLUSION (school level) and the Aide Memoire (classroom level)