LV Didzis Baunis

Didzis Baunis

Main Responsibilities of the Head Teacher

·        Organisation and management of the pedagogical process
·        Realisation of accredited educational programs
·        Hiring teachers
·        Determining teachers' salaries (which are directly dependent on the number of students in school)
·        Rational use of financial and material resources (including school lunches, transportation, heating etc.)
·        Ensuring the school's compliance with legal requirements
The management of the school is based on the laws and decisions of local authorities. The School Board, Pedagogical Council and Methodological Council have an advisory function.  Decision-making in all matters related to the school is the responsibility of Head Teacher.   In Latvia, a Head Teacher has the authority to establish a school management system which is deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the school.

Sources of Funding

·        State funding (for the salaries of teachers and school books)
·        Funding from the local government (for operational expenses and salaries of the non-pedagogical staff)
·        Donations


The school's administration includes three Deputy Head Teachers, a Head of Household and a Head of Catering.
·        The Deputy Head Teacher for Curriculum and Timetable is directly responsible for the management and organisation of teaching, and for work with the Methodological Council.
·        The Deputy Head Teacher for Extra-Curricular Activities works with the Students' Council. She is also responsible for  Extra-Curricular and Special-Interest Education
·        The Deputy Director of IT Issues is responsible for the electronic database of the school and for hardware maintenance.

Quality of the school`s work has been assessed on seven areas:
·        Curriculum
·        Teaching and learning
·        Students achievement
·        Support for students
·        Schools environment
·        Resources of the school
·        Organization of the school`s work, management and quality assurance

Sequence of quality management and assurance:

Self-assessment of the school`s work Priority setting Development plan of the school (every three years) External evaluation (every six years)

ü      Of the school administration - every Monday
ü      Of teachers - every Tuesday
ü      Of Students` council - every Thursday
ü      Of pedagogical council - three times in a year
ü      Of School board - three times in a year
ü      Of Methodological Commission – four to six  times in a year
ü      Of Methodological Council – as needed
Methods and tools used:
ü      Meetings
ü      Questionnaires
ü      Analysis of the results of students` achievement
ü      Evaluation of lessons` quality
ü      Self-evaluation
ü      Analysis of the school`s documents and materials
ü      Interviews
Special-Interest Education
 The school is also responsible for extra-curricular work with those students who want to participate in various classes after lessons.  Participation is voluntary.  The Special-Interest Educational Programme is developed by the teacher, and is approved by the Head Teacher.