IT Adelina Cardillo

Dear Colleagues

A quick note before I introduce myself and my job.
                        I am particularly pleased to be here, an international context to comparing school management methods.
                        Because our systems are so different, I belive that only through such exchanges can we better understand our respective points of view.
                        I would like to thank Ms. Gabriela Suba for her kindness in organizing our welcome and in planning an interesting week.
                                                                        Adelina Cardillo
Who I am
Name :                         Adelina CARDILLO

Work place:                 Grottaferrata

Type of school:             Scientific Lyceum

Role :                           School Manager

Where’s Grottaferrata
Grottaferrata is a town close to Rome, inside the Regional Park of Appia Antica and Castelli Romani. 
The name of Castelli Romani has origins from fortified centres created during the Middle Age from baronial families. This area of the Park is rich of woods and typical elements of gastronomic tradition, as vine and olive-tree.

My institute……

*      1129 students
aging from 14 to 19
*      80 teachers
*      22 people appointed to
 admin and technical job

School management rules
In Italy the head of school takes the title of
Dirigente scolastico (School Manager)
*      legally responsible
*      appointed by the Regional school Director
*      a manager responsible for the overall management of the institution
*      a public servants involved in the day-to-day school operations   
*      responsable for the quality of the service provided
*      autonomy in his role of direction, co-ordination, and exploitation of resources
My work and ……
I believe it is not possible to maintain a unique management style regardless of the context and the situations that face.
Since the early days of my work, I quickly realizes the need to integrate more styles in my management. 


doing a lot of emphasis on the collegial choices , translating collegial decisions acts address, not just in individual orders service
asking for employee ideas and input on upcoming plans and projects.
trying to include staff members in determining what to do and how to do it.
making decisions through involvement of transparent paths
doing  often informal and formal meetings
agreeing briefings and preventive internal communications
updating my professional skills, especially in legislative and administrative matters. employees take security in having a competent principal
Promoting the  verification activities in groups 
Delegating progressively more complex tasks so that the employee acquires greater safety and serenely plays the role

School Manager Roles
Macro-categories of content
The most visible results
Human Resources Management
Job organization and school atmosphere
Employees  appear to feel safe, they have reached a stable job position and the turn-over occurs  without service interruption
Employees training
training is organized regularly : courses  and/or professional exchange actions
Methodological and didactic innovation
Increase formative activities
structuring of actions for the promotion of excellence ( biotechnology -external certifications)
Improvement didactic methodologies
increase the teaching laboratory
Positive external evaluation of the results
  Families and community collaboration
Constitution and widening of relationships with   cultural, professional social and economic resources present in the community
signing of protocols and agreements with local authorities (municipal and provincial), with the bodies of Scientific Research "ENEA" and "INFN" and the University "La Sapienza" and "Tor Vergata" of Rome
Families satisfation
40% increase in students enrolled 
Finamcial and Instrumental Resources Management
Financial Resources  acquisition 
budget balancing starting from a high deficit due to the lack of contributions ministerial
Acquisition and improvement revive structural
creation of: a library, a gym, a multimedia laboratory and  a scientific laboratory equipped for experiments in biotechnology 
Promotion   learning rights
Guarantee quality in the educational processes
acceptance and successful integration of students with specific learning disorders